ultrasound machine

4 Different Types Of Ultrasound Machines

Thanks to advances in medical technology, dozens of ultrasound machines exist in the market with varying features and services. When a facility considers buying a refurbished machine, they have to factor in the price differences with a system’s long-term performance. These 4 types of ultrasound machines can help you determine which ones are a good fit for your clinic.

4 Ultrasound Systems


These veterinary machines are designed for animal patients. Depending on the species, their bodies are smaller, meaning their organs are tinier and as a result, the exams need to be more accurate. With larger animals such as livestock, you need machines that can support their body size, and account for varying organ differences. The Mindray TE7 Vet Ultrasound Machine will provide convenient, intuitive controls for both.

Mindray TE7 Vet Ultrasound Machine

Vascular And Echocardiography

Vascular machines focus on examining heart health in a patient. The exam uses high-frequency sound waves to generate an image of the heart, using echoes. Such images reveal the state of blood vessels, valves, and arteries. One can detect potential murmurs or even unwanted clotting. One good example of such a machine is the GE LOGIQ e R8, the newest one from GE. It has needle recognition software for accurate examinations.

GE LOGIQ e R8 Ultrasound Machine


A console system is a transportable processor with wheels. It usually measures maximum dimensions of 2’ by 2’. For example, the GE Voluson E10 Ultrasound Machine is an example of a console machine that specializes in OB-Gyn but can be used for other practices. Other console systems can handle specific medical niches.

GE Voluson E10 Ultrasound Machine


Often a portable ultrasound machine has a transducer, a probe, and a computer, tablet, or even a smartphone. You need to provide a computer that can receive the scans or images. They are best for clinics with small spaces or high patient volumes, when you need to work fast, or for bedside patients.

What Factors Go Into Choosing An Ultrasound Machine?

What is your patient capacity? How many exams will your technicians have to run daily? You may want a portable machine to handle a larger volume of patients.

Who are your patients? What is their demographic regarding age and medical needs? Do you need ultrasounds for referrals from GPs? A machine that can do general imaging may suffice. Are you checking on pregnancies in OB-GYN? You may need trans-vaginal ultrasound processes. Are your patients in nursing homes and require examinations with minimal movement?

These principles don’t just apply to human patients. If they are animals and you need to have veterinary applications, you may want a machine that can either go out into the field in a rural area or accommodate them within a clinic. Livestock like cattle may require a portable ultrasound, while domestic cat and dog breeds can be coaxed to lie down on a table.

Browse High-Quality Machines At National Ultrasound

National Ultrasound wants to pair you with the best machines possible for your medical facility or clinic. We have new and refurbished options for your benefit, with general imaging and specialized options.

To find out more about what machines to use for general imaging or other services, please reach out to us today. National Ultrasound can make recommendations and provide quotes on our machines
