Technical Features:
- Harmonic vibration of hand piece produces a 3 direction movement at the tip of the cannula: in/out, up/down, side/side
- Fastest mechanism of infiltration in the world
- Most efficient aspiration rate: 3-6 Liters per hour
- Vibration creates cannula course of 6-10 mm per stroke
- Vibration decreases pain due to the Gate Control Theory of Pain
- Ease of penetration through fibrous tissue, post surgical scars, and secondary liposuction
- Vibration of cannula maintains tissue integrity by not damaging supporting structures
- Superior re-adaptation of skin due to stimulation of fibroblasts and mechanical skin tightening
- No patient upper limit BMI
- Vibration Assisted Liposculpture with no heat
Key Advantages for Physicians:
- 40% faster than other technology
- Can treat any patient regardless of BMI
- Remarkable de-bulking ability
- High level of precision allows physician to focus on results
- Significantly less fatigue
- Re-treatments are reduced significantly
Competitive Edge:
- Safest product on the market for all patient types
- Fastest infiltration and aspiration rate
- No heat and no risk of burns
- Lowest disposable cost in the industry
- Increased patient tolerability
- Increased volume per case
- Less risk and increased safety because of shortened procedure time
- Shorter total procedure time
- Repetitive motion of hand piece yields exceedingly smooth results
- Better penetration of fibrous tissue and scar tissue
Key Advantages to Patient:
- Gentle vibration increases patient comfort
- The patient can stand for abdominal etching and verification of symmetry
- Patient can visually inspect the dynamic results
- Minimal bruising and less downtime
- Excellent skin tightening
- Vibration assisted analgesia helps to reduce discomfort for up to 36 hours post procedure
Increased safety because no sedation is required for patient comfort